Your In-Depth Health Report

Introducing COC Health Insights!

A New Digital Platform for Visualizing Your Progress on The COC Protocol

Now you can measure how you’re responding to the protocol and see:

  • where you’re doing well
  • where you’re at risk, and
  • what you can do to help improve your results.

What We Measure
​Your in-depth health report uses a proprietary algorithm to link data from your blood tests, questionnaire responses, and health history to create pinwheels that measure your state of health in 6 key areas or categories.

  • Inflammation
  • Metabolism
  • Lifestyle factors
  • Liver
  • Kidneys
  • Cardiovascular

What You’ll See
Your report includes in-depth analysis of your modifiable risk factors, together with practical advice, and recommendations.

Each pinwheel will have a colorized scoreWhen you click on the pinwheel you can take a deeper dive into each health category to learn what you’re doing well, where you’re at risk and what you can do to improve your score.

How You’ll Improve
In your initial consult, your oncology clinician will review your report, your protocol recommendations and lifestyle interventions to help you improve your score over the next 6 months.

Your goal is to try to improve areas where your markers are out of range and to adopt recommendations to improve them.

Learn More About The COC Protocol and Our New Digital Platform, COC Health Insights™